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Atelier sur la découvrabilité des contenus numériques en français

The challenges of discoverability of digital content in French discussed at the UNCTAD E-Week

The yearly UNCTAD E-Week took place in Geneva between the 4th and the 8th...

Meeting with ILO

Exchanges between the ILO and the Delegate General around the framework agreement between Wallonia and the ILO

Following the signing of the framework agreement between Wallonia and the...

réunion annuelle du Groupe de travail permanent sur le vieillissement (SWGA) de l’UNECE

Wallonia’s social cohesion plan, an example of good practice

During the 16th annual meeting of the Standing Working Group on Aging (...

Signing of a framework agreement between the International Labour Organization (ILO) and Wallonia

Wallonia reinforces its cooperation with the International Labour Organization to promote decent labour around the world

On Tuesday, November the 14th, Wallonia’s Minister-President Elio Di Rupo...

Signing the framework agreement between the International Labour Organization and Wallonia

Visit in Geneva of the Minister-President of Wallonia, Mr. Elio Di Rupo

This Tuesday, November the 14th, the Wallonia-Brussels General Delegate in...

Pascale Delcomminette à l'OMS

Wallonia supports the Rehabilitation 2030 initiative of the WHO

The Administrator general of Wallonia Brussels International, Pascale...

le Haut-Commissariat des Nations Unies aux Droits de l’Homme

Signing of a cooperation agreement between the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights and the Wallonia-Brussels Federation

In September 2022, Minister-President Pierre-Yves Jeholet signed a...

Cloud: Win and Dimension Data invest 7 million euros

Win and Dimension Data Belgium are joining forces to offer a new cloud-...

ZenTech to scan newborns in DR Congo

The Walloon company ZenTech has signed an important memorandum of...

Aerospace: Sonaca and Fives-Michelin announce a partnership

Sonaca and Fives-Michelin Additive Solutions (FMAS) France are joining...

Manon Coubia’s "L’immense retour (Romance)" wins award in Locarno

At the Locarno Film Festival, L’immense retour (romance) - The Fullness of...

The U.S. Juno spacecraft reached its destination, Jupiter, after a very long, 3 billion-km, 5-year journey through space and time.

The Centre Spatial de Liège and NASA conquering space

The Centre Spatial de Liège (CSL) is once again at the forefront of the...